Monday, February 14, 2011

Why weren't these around in 1979?!

So future spawn is now 4 months (168 days to gooooo!!!) and of course, the crammer that I am, I know the "baby area" won't probably be ready until I give birth or baptize my twerp so I wasn't really looking for stuff until...I *gasp* saw these:

 Sweaty palms alert!!! Gorgeous! I can imagine said spawn trying to creep out already! Of course it's not available in Canada (what's new).  So after having mustered the acceptance that my little one won't have a rad crib, I saw another fabulous one: 

Super cute! Crib, changing table and play house all rolled into one dream package.  It's called "Nina's House" by this genius named Dave Keune and I waaaaaaaaant it (note to husband). It can so easily be transformed if spawn turns out to be a boy (red paint...firehall!)

I love love love! I wonder with the abundance of crafty manong karpinteros in Manila who can conjure anything you desire as long as you have the dough and the picture why no one thought of this!  (I've been staring at Nina's house too long and I think if I had it I might just try to play in it myself.UH OH). Haha!

pod pic from this gorgeous Aussie site:
Nina's house pic from and

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